Baker's Hill is a famous hang out place in Palawan, known for their freshly baked goodies like hopia, munchies and crinkles. It is located on top of a...
Paltic, Dingalan
The nursery is used to raise hardwood for replanting logged areas. Trees such as narra, kamagong, mahogany, kapok, yantoc and others are planted in small plastic bags and lined up underneath larger trees that provide shade and moisture to the young trees. Not far from this nursery is a stream that leads to two falls, one about 15 feet high and the other about 20 feet high. The falls, approximately 50 meters apart, form pools that are perfect for swimming or relaxing after a poolside picnic.
How to get there
From the town proper, it is possible to reach the site on foot or by any private vehicle. Approximately 15 minutes' drive.